As I sit here in my bed with a head cold...
I'm taking the opportunity to slow down and reflect on how far I've come on this art journey
It hasn't been easy and I hope you know that a path worth venturing on is rarely easy.
I look back with such tenderness for all those moments I believed that impossible dialogue in my brain. I bought into programs of others that claimed to know more about what I'm supposed to do or who I am supposed to be than recognizing that the answers were already there.
On any social media platform it is too easy to look back with scorn on our former selves and criticize with 20/20 hindsight, But that would be a huge mistake!
When I look back I see all of the struggles and sticking points that I needed to endure to become who I am now. I love that I know now that no amount of programs you pay for to help you do x or y are going to let you skip further down your path.
We hold what we can at the moments that are right for us. You are an expert on your journey, don't let anyone expertly tell you need ( insert any variable) before you can get to where you are going. ( hello, all marketing to artists?!!) That is not you talking darling, it's so many systems that rob us of ourselves, distracting us from the time we have to put in.
You already know how to do this. You are already an artist! Wherever you are at on your path, take a moment to love yourself now and send love back to all of the selves you've been before that got you here.
You may always want to be further than where you are now, but look at how far you've come ❤️